Duration: 3 days
Price: $2,700
Familiarize yourself with Tableau Desktop quickly via curated content from Tableau Desktop I: Fundamentals and Tableau Desktop II: Intermediate. In this fast-paced, 3-day instructor-led course, you'll learn both foundational and more advanced Tableau skills. Build a range of visualizations, customize your data to enhance your analysis, and implement interactive features to engage your audience.
When you complete this course, you will be able to:
- Connect to data.
- Edit a data source.
- Organize data to analyze content based on custom sorting and filtering.
- Use the Tableau workspace to create visualizations.
- Build a range of essential chart types for analysis.
- Combine data from multiple tables using joins, unions, and relationships.
- Use extracts to improve performance.
- Create basic calculations, including quick table calculations.
- Use advanced and table calculations to modify data for analysis.
- Apply analytics to views.
- Use parameters and input controls to support audience analysis.
- Build advanced chart types, including bar-in-bar and bullet graphs.
- Construct interactive dashboards to reveal data insights.
- Design dashboards.
- Describe how to share and publish visualizations.
Lessons and Topics
Introduction to Tableau
- Meet The Tableau Platform
- Define Application Terminology
- Assess Visual Cues for Fields
- Follow The Tableau Workflow
- List Elements of a Visualization
- Get Started in Tableau
Connection and Data Source Setup
- Access Tableau File Types and Extensions
- Create a Live Data Connection
- Save and Edit a Data Source
- Modify Data Attributes
- Understand Changes to Data
Data Simplification and Sorting
- Filter Data
- Creating Date Filters
- Sort Data
- Nest Sorting and Context Filters
Data Organization
- Use Groups
- Create and Use Hierarchies
Specific Value Access
- Create Crosstabs
- Generate Grand Totals, Subtotals, and Change Aggregation
- Create Highlight Tables
Data by Date
- Work with Dates in Tableau
- Use Discrete Date Parts and Continuous Date Values
Multiple Measures in a View
- Measure Values and Names
- Combine or Share Axis Charts
- Create Dual Axis Charts
The Relationship Between Numerical Values
- Showing Correlations and Outliers with Scatter Plots
- Create a Scatter Plot
- Analyze Using the Highlighter
- Analyze an Outlier Using Explain Data
- Using the Analytics Pane
- Trend Lines and Trend Model
- Reference Lines and Bands
Data Connection Options
- Data Connections Page
- Physical and Logical Layers
- Connecting to Single- and Multi-table Data Sources
- Migrated Data Sources
- The Data Pane User Interface
- View Data
- Joins (Inner, Left and Right, Full Outer)
- Unions
- Merging Fields
- Relationship Levels of Detail
- Setting up a Relationship Between Tables
- Joins vs. Relationships
- Combining Data Decision Tree
- Creating Relationships Between Tables from Different Databases
Data Extracts
- Use Data Extracts
- Configure and Run an Extract
- Compare Logical Tables and Physical Table Extracts
Data Customization
- Use Calculations in Tableau
- Define Calculation Types
- Create and Edit Calculated Fields
- Follow Formula Editor Conventions
- Describe Types of Calculated Fields
- Calculate and Aggregate
- Aggregate Dimensions in Calculations
- Enable String Functions
- Split and Custom Split
- Converyte Dates
- Conduct Join Calculations
- Discover LOD Expressions
- Identify Syntax and Calculation Types
Quick Table Calculations
- Discover Table Calculation Overview
- Use Quick Table Calculations
Breakdowns of the Whole
- Generate Pie Charts and Parts of the Whole
- Create Tree Maps
Advanced Table Calculations
- Follow Tips for Learning Table Calculations
- Assess Levels of Control
- Determine Table Calculation Scope and Direction
- Define Table Calculation Specific Dimensions
- Explore Other Scope and Direction Options
- Null Values in Table Calculations
- Use Rank To Show Biggest to Smallest
- Conduct Table Calculations for Statistical Analysis
- Use Parameters
- Define Parameters and Filters
- Apply Parameters with Reference Lines
Measured Comparisons
- Compare Two Measures (Bar in Bar Chart)
- Assess Progress Toward a Goal (Bullet Graph)
Data Subsets
- Use Sets
- Follow Tableau Order of Operations
- Combine Sets
- Discover In and Out Sets
Distribution Views
- Display Bins and Histograms
- Generate Box and Whisker Plots
- Plan Your Dashboard
- Build Your Dashboard
- Add Interactivity with Filters and Actions
- Add Actions to Your Dashboard
- Enable Additional Dashboard Actions
- Complete Set Actions
- Discover Parameter Actions
- Follow Visual Best Practices
- Add Instructions & Annotations
- Explore Tooltips
- Remove Chart Extras
- Publish Your Dashboard Online
This course provides comprehensive Tableau training for business users, analysts, and consultants who thrive in fast-paced classes. If you learn new concepts and acquire new technology skills quickly, Desktop I & II: Accelerated quickly facilitates Tableau competency. This course supports authoring in Tableau Desktop, Tableau Cloud, and Tableau Server.
There are no preparatory requirements.