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[NEW] Citrix Training Credits Program

Citrix has recently discontinued its Citrix Training Pass (CTP) program.

But don’t worry, Layer 8 has got you covered!
Introducing the NEW Citrix Training Credits (CTC) Program! With the CTC program, you can now purchase Citrix Training Credits directly from us at Layer 8. Each credit is valid for one day of Citrix training, which provides you with the flexibility to purchase a bank of credits to use throughout the year.

We’re excited to offer VOLUME DISCOUNTS as follows:

5-10 credits = $1,000 each
11-30 credits = $900 each
21-40 credits = $850 each
41 or more = $800 each

Credits expire one year from the date of purchase.

Unsure about how many credits you need?

Please don’t hesitate to at info@layer8training.com or call us at 888-504-8872, and we’ll help you estimate the right amount for your training and certification goals.

Have unredeemed CTPs (not yet expired)?

We can assist you in getting your team enrolled in the training you need, and in some cases, we can even extend your CTP expiration date. Please contact us soon before your CTPs expire.

Not sure which Citrix class to attend?

Check out our list of upcoming classes.

At Layer 8, we remain committed to providing the best possible training solutions for our customers. We look forward to working with you and helping you get the most out of your Citrix training experience.